Among the Students was created as part of University of the Fraser Valley’s History 440: Local History for the Web. In this course, students conduct archival research on select local historical themes and publish their research as web pages for public consumption. This year’s theme is World War II.
Special thanks to Stacey, Jo, Alexandra, and Bram from the Surrey Archives for all of their help and expertise during this research. I would also like to thank Cindy and Jamie from the Lord Tweedsmuir Alumni Association, and Tammy from Queen Elizabeth Secondary School.

“$400,000 Surrey’s Quota for Canada’s Sixth Victory Loan.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), April 12, 1944. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
190.1.18 – Untitled, 1980-1981, F125-0-24-1-14, Box 1, File 18, Historical Manuscripts Collection: Education: Schools and Teachers, Courtesy of Surrey Archives, Surrey, BC, Canada.
“Air Cadets Started at Semiahmoo High School.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), November 11, 1942. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Among the Students.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), November 13, 1940. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Among the Students.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), February 26, 1941. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
Annuals, 1944-1945, F623-0-2, Baker family collection, Courtesy of Surrey Archives, Surrey, BC, Canada.
“Arbitration Sessions Held in Vancouver.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), January 12, 1944. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Authorities Discuss Juvenile Delinquency.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), May 31, 1944. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“B.C. Teachers Trying to Have Education Cost Removed from the Land.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), January 20, 1943. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
Bennetton, Marguerite. “Semiahmoo High School.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), December 30, 1923. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Big Majority for School By-Law in Record Turn-out.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), April 24, 1940. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
Bill Fomich Interview, 21 July 1998. SA1998.020.014. Civic Government Oral History Collection. Courtesy of Surrey Archives, Surrey, BC, Canada.
“Cadet Corps Here Tops Province as Marksmen.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), June 11, 1941. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Cadet Training Plan to be Revived in B.C.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), July 31, 1940. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Carnival of Fun Slated for Sat. on Fair Grounds.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), June 12, 1940. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Cloverdale Concert.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), October 13, 1943. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Combined Operations Include You” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), April 12, 1943. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Doings at Parliament.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), March 4, 1942. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
Dotty Karr Interview, 8 Aug. 1990. SMA90.21.15. Surrey Museum and Archives Oral History Collection. Courtesy of Surrey Archives, Surrey, BC, Canada.
Fallowfield, S. “Lord Tweedsmuir High.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), November 10, 1943. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
Fallowfield, Shirley. “Lord Tweedsmuir High.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), March 29, 1944. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
Fallowfield, Shirley. “Lord Tweedsmuir High.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), June 7, 1944. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Finish that Schooling.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), July 14, 1943. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“High School Gym Display Monday Thrills Audience.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), December 17, 1941. Accessed through Surrey Archives
“High Schools Ready Nov. 1.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), August 21, 1940. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Hitler’s Not Going to Teach my Children!” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), March 28, 1942. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Impressive Service Here in Memory of Surrey’s War Dead.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), August 7, 1940. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
Jim Hamilton Interview, 2 Oct 2000. SA2000.004.12. Fleetwood Community Association Records. Surrey Archives, Surrey, BC, Canada.
Joan Parolin (nee Gillis) Interview, 8 Aug. 1990. SMA90.21.19. Surrey Museum and Archives Oral History Collection. Courtesy of Surrey Archives, Surrey, BC. Canada.
“Large Parties of Japs Evacuated from Here.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), April 22, 1942. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Lathers Strike Again Delays School Opening.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), October 16, 1940. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
Letter to the editor from D. Gallen. The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), March 11, 1942. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
Letter to the editor from R. H. Reed. The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), October 25, 1939. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Lord Tweedsmuir Cadets Inspected by Maj. Critchley.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), May 21, 1941. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
Lord Tweedsmuir High School, The Salute (Surrey, BC: 1942), Courtesy of the Lord Tweedsmuir Alumni Association.
“Lord Tweedsmuir High School Notes.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), January 28, 1942. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
Lord Tweedsmuir High School Staff Meeting Notes, 1936-1946. Courtesy of the Lord Tweedsmuir Alumni Association.
Mary Margaret Sanford Storybook 1915-1991. 2019.0019. Barrie Sanford Collection. Surrey Archives, Courtesy of Surrey, BC, Canada.
“Miss E. Green Now Acting Principal of Lord Tweedsmuir High.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), March 19, 1941. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
Mototsune, Sumi. Correspondence from Sumi Mototsune to Joan Gillis. 18 July 1943. RBSC-ARC-1786-02-15. Joan Gillis fonds. University of British Columbia Library Rare Books and Special Collections, Vancouver, Canada.
Mototsune, Sumi. Correspondence from Sumi Mototsune to Joan Gillis. 5 June 1945. Joan Gillis fonds. University of British Columbia Library Rare Books and Special Collections, Vancouver, Canada.
Morrant, Winifred. “Semiahmoo Sidelines.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), November 10, 1943. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
Nakamura, Yoshio. Correspondence from Yoshio Nakamura to Joan Gillis. 26 July 1944. RBSC-ARC-1786-02-43. Joan Gillis fonds. University of British Columbia Library Rare Books and Special Collections, Vancouver, Canada.
Nakamura, Yoshio. Correspondence from Yoshio Nakamura to Joan Gillis. 19 September 1945. RBSC-ARC-1786-02-51. Joan Gillis fonds. University of British Columbia Library Rare Books and Special Collections, Vancouver, Canada.
“Name of Cloverdale High School Changed.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), October 16, 1940. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“New Schools are Modern Throughout; Accommodation Unique in All Building Detail.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), November 27, 1940. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Non-Saluters of Flag to be Dealt with Here.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), December 4, 1940. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
Ohama, Albert. Correspondence from Tad Nagamori to Joan Gillis. 14 November 1942. RBSC-ARC-1786-01-37. Joan Gillis fonds. University of British Columbia Library Rare Books and Special Collections, Vancouver, Canada.
“On the Home Front too…” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), March 29, 1944. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
Parton, Lorraine & Ellina Jacobson. “Among the Students.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), November 22, 1939. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Peace-Arch Celebration Cancelled by Polio.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), September 13, 1945. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Peace Celebration at Douglas next Wednesday, 24th.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), September 17, 1941. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
Pearson, May. “Among the Students.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), November 11, 1942. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Pledge Flag Dedicated at Saturday Ceremony.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), October 20, 1943. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Population of Surrey’s Schools is Over 3000.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), October 6, 1943. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Port Mann Brevities.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), October 23, 1940. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Presentations Galore at Lord Tweedsmuir Jr.-Sr. High School Closing Ceremonies.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), June 28, 1944. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Prize Winning Essays by Surrey Pupils in Victory Loan Context.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), May 19, 1943. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
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“Queen Elizabeth High.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), June 4, 1941. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Remember Lidire” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), April 28, 1943. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“School Board Find it Difficult to Obtain Teachers.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), January 7, 1942. Accessed through Surrey Archives
“School Contest will Commence on Monday.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), April 28, 1943. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
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“Six Month’s Warning.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), January 6, 1943. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
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“Semiahmoo High.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), December 22, 1943. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Semiahmoo High School.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), November 5, 1940. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
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“Squadron Leader Symonds Addresses Surrey Junior C.C.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), January 26, 1944. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
“Successful Carnival Held at Lord Tweedsmuir High.” The Surrey Leader (Surrey, BC, Canada), April 21, 1943. Accessed through Surrey Archives.
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Takahashi, Jackie. Correspondence from Jackie Takahashi to Joan Gillis. 22 January 1944. RBSC-ARC-1786-01-30. Joan Gillis fonds. University of British Columbia Library Rare Books and Special Collections, Vancouver, Canada.
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